A seat bag is a great way to carry your gear. Although seat bags don’t have the capacity that the Bike-Pack System offers, they are excellent for short every day trips.
The Imola is expandable for the times you need a little more space. The bag securely stows all of your motorbikes accessories & riding gear by clipping snugly on to your seat. The quick release and grab handles make it easy to take your tail pack with you when you aren't riding.
As with all VENTURA products, our seat bags are made in New Zealand with the highest quality materials and construction.
• Super tough Ballistic PVC laminated fabric
• Reflective side stripes for enhanced visibility and safety
• Rubber moulded carry handle
• Quick release buckles for fast fitting and removal
• Expandable
• Double zipper openings for easy access
• Pull tags on zippers for easy operation while wearing gloves
• 22 litres
• 230 x 250 x 310 mm (300 x 250 x 310 Expanded)
• 9 x 10 x 12 inches (9 x 10 x 12 inches Expanded)
• Comes with detachable base
Not at this stage. We only ship NZ wide.
All orders are sent as tracked deliveries and you will be provided your tracking number when your order is dispatched. Please allow 5 - 10 days for delivery and up to 15 working days for rural orders. We are reliant on courier schedules.
We've kept our Shipping Policy as simple as possible:
- Non-Rural: $10 North Island and $15 South Island
- Rural: $10 additional to North and South Island
We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help.
Returns can be returned for store credit within 14 days provided the goods are unopened with no damage to the items or packaging. Freight costs will not be credited. Your proof of purchase will be required to complete the return.
For more information check out our Returns Policy
Please contact Cycletreads if you wish to initiate a return within the 14 day period.
Please note that there are exceptions to this policy where hygiene issues prevent return.
Please review our policy here
Any questions?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.